
This is my first blog. These blogs which indicate my thoughts are what I go through everyday, something or the other. These thoughts represent who I am. So, here goes...

I'm recently married and I found a lot of baggage initially. I did married the man I love, he also being supportive towards me however tasks did have its own challenges.
A few weeks into the wedding, my husband and I went for various holidays including our honeymoon.
So I could not exactly get an immediate grip on cooking (not that I did not cook before) but it is different when you are in a new surrounding.
Like I did not know how to cook simple "dal" (lentils) which is mandatory in Indian cooking, I just gave the dal to my aunt unaware on how to cook it.
However with a little bit of training I gradually picked up on cooking everyday something which I never did before making maximum of one or two dishes a day.
Surprisingly, I only then realized that my husband is a rather heavy eater since he works out regularly.
Trust me, I had not seen this side of him before as we generally ordered in or bought take-aways before.
And add to all these, an epidemic called corona crept into the world which just added to our woes and this was just two months into marriage!
So we distributed our tasks, while I cooked and washed my husband swept and cleaned.
Okay, but all those labouring tasks gained us fruits and it was like a new experience.
These tasks are performed every single day and they do get quite tiresome, especially cooking.
They are physically exasperating, trust me!
Currently, my next task is that how am I going to accommodate a job into all these...
Either way, any task certainly should be executed well with the uttermost dedication.


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