

 Hello. This is my first blog. These blogs which indicate my thoughts are what I go through everyday, something or the other. These thoughts represent who I am. So, here goes... I'm recently married and I found a lot of baggage initially. I did married the man I love, he also being supportive towards me however tasks did have its own challenges. A few weeks into the wedding, my husband and I went for various holidays including our honeymoon. So I could not exactly get an immediate grip on cooking (not that I did not cook before) but it is different when you are in a new surrounding. Like I did not know how to cook simple "dal" (lentils) which is mandatory in Indian cooking, I just gave the dal to my aunt unaware on how to cook it. However with a little bit of training I gradually picked up on cooking everyday something which I never did before making maximum of one or two dishes a day. Surprisingly, I only then realized that my husband is a rather heavy eater since he wor